Eyes of the Night 2021

Adeena Nair (b. 2004-)

Oil pastel and oil bar on cartridge paper

46cm x 63cm  

A figurative, Post-Impressionist drawing, inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s (1853-1860) application technique used in his Self Portrait 1886. The composition features an angled perspective of the artist’s eyes expressed through an analogous color scheme of Prussian Blue, Dioxazine Violet, Cadmium Red Hue, along with complementary areas of Cadmium Orange Hue and Raw Sienna for emphasis. Dioxazine Violet is used to unify the composition while Mars Black is used for the background providing depth. The portraiture captures the feeling of intimacy as it features the artist’s gaze in close proximity to the viewer. Within my folio’s concept of nightlife, the manipulation of color symbolizes the fluorescent lighting traditional to club culture which is reflected onto the individual. The artwork serves a Personal Function and its purpose is to portray the evolution of character within the artist as they come of age exploring new social settings. The notion of uninhibited freedom is displayed through the fluidity of strokes and vibrancy of color. 


The Crimson Queen 2021


Tonight (Series - ‘The Old Tailor, Toit, The Brewery’) 2021